Funding and Support

Our priority at the Gies Business Research Lab (GBRL) is to collaboratively facilitate as many research projects as possible, fostering an environment that supports innovation in study design and methods.

We are focused on responding to the emerging needs of researchers and providing tangible support and structure that leads to demonstrable excellence in data collection, analysis, and publication.

The GBRL is pleased to offer the following research funding opportunities designed to support behavioral research needs at Gies:

  • Gies Emerging Scholar PhD student support
  • Multi-use technology funding (software, app/web development, mobile devices, etc.)
  • Supplemental support for participant incentives (up to $500)
  • Programming support
  • Research assistant support

Gies researchers conducting human participant research are welcome to apply for funding and support in the areas noted above. GBRL invites applications each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). Researchers must have IRB approval before submitting their application.

Gies Emerging Scholar Grant

The Gies Business Research Lab (GBRL) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Gies Emerging Scholar Grant.

 This competitive grant is awarded to Gies PhD students engaged in behavioral research who have demonstrated prior excellence in research. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to, compensation for research assistants, data collection costs, programming fees, and travel expenses associated with presenting research at academic conferences. Grant proposals must articulate a clear and specific justification for the requested funding, including a detailed budget outlining anticipated expenditures.

 Gies PhD students are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 1,000 words, detailing their proposed behavioral research project, including a proposed timeline and a comprehensive budget.

Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $3,000.  The GBRL anticipates funding 2-5 proposals annually, contingent upon the merit of submitted proposals and availability of funds.

Deadline: March 7, 5pm

For complete submission guidelines and requirements, please consult the link here




Multiuse Technology Funding

GBRL invites proposals for securing and implementing the use of new technologies, equipment, and software. Proposals should focus on state-of-the-art technology that promotes cutting-edge research and new opportunities in study design and data capture.

Additionally, web development/hosting will be considered an eligible expense. New needs will be reviewed on an ongoing basis with an eye for future needs and innovative methods. Requests for support will be reviewed by the committee and prioritized by greatest impact (i.e., what benefits the largest number of researchers). Cross-collaboration is encouraged!

Supplemental Support for Participant Incentives

Researchers who run their studies through the Panel are asked to provide participant incentives. Incentivizing participation leads to efficient and timely data collection. When a researcher opts to utilize the Business Research Panel, they may request and receive funds that can be used for human subjects' payments (up to $500 per investigator per year). This incentive structure provides benefits to the researcher and participant alike. In addition, the GBRL will assist, as needed, in providing guidance on the best practices in human subjects' payments.

Programming and Research Assistant Support

Funding is available for lab-based RAs. Researchers running panel-based studies can utilize the programming pool for assistance with survey development, coding, web-scraping, Qualtrics, o-Tree, Testable, and more. Some examples of programming support we have provided include:

  • Conducted Python web scraping to extract data from websites for a project.
  • Scraped Twitter data using Python and Twitter's API to score the creativity and novelty of ideas generated on the platform.
  • Conducted a data scraping request to extract t-shirt designs and other details of the designer from Extracted approximately 450 t-shirt designs that were specific to two campaigns conducted by Threadless. Analyzed the extracted data to identify patterns and trends in the designs.
  • Created hover-over disclosures within Qualtrics or a separate website to provide additional information when a mouse hovers over a certain piece of information.