Research at Gies

Gies Behavioral Researchers have access to multiple diverse participant research study pools. Questions about running a study with Gies participants?

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Gies Business Research Panel

Dedicated panel of alumni, professionals and community members. Currently, there are over 2000 members who have access to Panel-hosted studies.  Prescreen information can be used to restrict studies to eligible participants. Panelists log on to their account via the survey research management platform (Sona) and can directly access sign up and study links. Mass email study announcements and recruitment information can be sent to everyone in the pool or to restricted audiences. Recruitment assistance from the GBRL is provided when running a study through the Panel platform via LinkedIn, Alumni Association, etc. Study “ads” are created for Panel studies as an additive layer of recruitment through targeted placement (by profession, orgs, geo location, memberships, title, etc.). Studies in the Panel are typically incentivized for efficient recruitment. Studies may be of any time length. Typically, studies are conducted online via survey tool or via Zoom. 

IRB approval is required as well as completion of the GBRL Panel approval form. Study approval is rolling and studies can be added at any time.

Workshops and Trainings

GBRL staff offer workshop and training opportunities to help strengthen and expand the research efforts of all faculty and students, whether they are new or experienced in business research. A set of basic training opportunities has been prepared by the staff and can be accessed online at any time, and advanced or customized training can be tailored to your research needs.

Workshop and training topics include:




Additional Resources for Gies Researchers

Inside Gies: GBRL  Up to date lab resources, policies and information for Gies behavioral and experimental researchers.

Data Science Research Services  The Data Science Research Service (DSRS) drives research within the Gies College of Business by assisting students, faculty, and staff with their data science, machine learning, computational infrastructure, and data acquisition needs.

Qualtrics  Qualtrics is an industry-leading, cloud-based survey platform that can be used for research surveys, registrations, and other administrative survey needs. All Gies faculty, students, and staff have access to a Qualtrics license through the college.

Sona Systems Sona Systems is the cloud-based research and participant management system used by Gies researchers. 



Campus Resources for Researchers

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation​ (OVCRI)
Research at Illinois is complex and requires robust administrative support and continuous innovation and business development, all driven by the same spirit of innovation and excellence that makes Illinois a pre-eminent public research university with a land-grant mission and global impact. OVCRI provides leadership and oversight for research done across the University of Illinois by promoting an enabling excellence in existing and emerging research programs, operating administrative structures required for the research enterprise, and overseeing the efforts of the campus-wide interdisciplinary research institutes. View a list of campus research centers and programs.

Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)
OPRS serves as the official oversight office for human subject research at Illinois. The office is the central point of contact for investigators, research subjects, and regulatory agencies. They monitor research regulations, produces educational resources for faculty and staff, and provides assurance that the Urbana campus is in compliance with federal, state, and campus policies.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB)
IRB ensures that appropriate safeguards exist to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects and reviews all the research documents and activities that bear directly on the rights and welfare of the subjects of proposed research. The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications to secure approval, and disapprove all research activities overseen and conducted by the organizations. 

Human Subjects Payments Policy
The University of Illinois System often conducts research projects that involve the use of human subjects. When human subjects are offered financial incentives to participate in research, they are paid in the form of cash/cash equivalents to participate. All human subject payments must be made in compliance with an approved IRB Protocol. The Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) outlines all pertinent information related to this policy. 

The Research Data Service (RDS)
The RDS is a campus-wide program that provides the Illinois research community with the expertise, tools, and infrastructure necessary to manage and steward research data. View more information about data management planning and organization.